Trip Report – River Mellte

Sunday Nov 2nd 2003

A brief break in the dry spell came just in time for an advanced club trip that was actually on the programme !

A large group of hopeful canoeists had gathered at the docks with a beginners trip to the Exe running on the same day. The hard-core amongst us were soon filtered out and the appropriate weapons were loaded onto the vehicles.

The river Mellte was our chosen destination – a real Welsh ditch guaranteed to get the season going with a bang.

The guide says :

GRADING: 4+ (With major waterfall portages).
MAJOR HAZARDS/ FALLS: Enormous waterfalls hidden behind blind bends, you must inspect ahead. If you don’t like desperate breakouts above treetop horizon lines, this isn’t for you. There is also a dodgy weir.

We arrived shortly at the get in high up on the barren moor which always seems to have a force 10 gale blowing across it. Amid much light hearted banter we trotted down to the get in for an inspection. As always you are greeted by the Swgd Clun Gwyn a 50ft waterfall you have to climb to the base of to get on. The water was absolutely pumping off of it – slightly more probably than pictured here…. [ Ed – pictures nicked from the UK Rivers Guidebook website… ]

A strange quietness now seemed to have descended on the group in what now seemed a very long walk back to the cars…. After a short debate and assurances that we would break out now and again and even look at stuff we decided to try our luck !

The river starts with a short section leading up to the first portage Sgwd Isaf Clun Gwyn – missing the get out here normally results in a funeral although someone did get off lucky last year with just 2 broken legs.

We then ran the 15 foot drop and the next 2 smaller ones shown below.

It now became clear that the level was excellent providing interest throughout the whole of the run.

We portaged the now almost unrunnable 30ft waterfall Sgwd y Pannwr (show here before the land slide last year.

The next point of interest was the ‘stopper, slot , drop’ rapid which provides a real test of nerve.

We decided on a cunning plan to set up protection. Rich would run the slot and get out on the far side with a line to stop anyone swimming over the drop. Unfortunately he had a slight upside down experience and rolled up just in time to turn around before going over the drop ! It was at this point that a few people decided on a portage…

There was no further incident until the looping pool. Rich decided to run it blind to check for trees. He discovered no trees but there was a big hole – too big by the look of things because by the time I got there he was already be recirculated in the eddy with all of his kit floating beside him. Naturally I retrieved the video camera first. He blames he paddles (again).

Everyone else soon joined us and it was not long after that we reached the get out. All in all a very pleasant day.

Tony Barrass